How to fix the validation error for backup CID when running unrevoked3.21... PLEASE DO NOT COPY OR LINK TO THIS GUIDE OUTSIDE OF THE #unrevokedtest CHANNEL. This is a quick 'n' dirty guide for ADVANCED USERS ONLY. *** Proceed at entirely your own risk. *** (If at any step something looks different or wrong from what's indicated in the guide then STOP and seek assistance.) adb shell $ /system/__unrevoked_su # cat /dev/mtd/mtd0 > /sdcard/misc.img # getprop ro.cid HTC__001 <---- remember this # exit adb pull /sdcard/misc.img Now open a hex editor like ghex2, HxD, xvi32 and at the start of the file (position 0) you probably have all FF's. At position 0 enter the cid (HTC__001) from above then follow that with hex '00'... so the hex string looks something like: "48 54 43 5F 5F 30 30 31 00". Save the file and exit the hex editor. adb push misc.img /sdcard/new-misc.img adb shell $ /system/__unrevoked_su # /data/local/flash_image misc /sdcard/new-misc.img # exit Now re-run unrevoked and it should now complete successfully. Credit: thanks to joshua_ (of unrevoked) for some information on how their rooting process works. Written by: kmdm (